Effects of Gamma-irradiation on Fatty Acids and Oxidative Stability of Oil from Treated Walnuts. Impact of Antioxidant Compositions on Oil Autoxidation


  • Adriana Slavova-Kazakova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Sabina Taneva Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre of Competence BIORESOURCES BG, Bulgaria
  • Mariana Kamenova-Nacheva Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre of Competence BIORESOURCES BG, Bulgaria
  • Svetlana Momchilova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre of Competence BIORESOURCES BG, Bulgaria




walnuts, gamma-irradiation, glyceride oil, fatty acids, oxidative stability, induction period, antioxidants, kinetics


Gamma-irradiation at doses of 10 kGy and 25 kGy was applied on walnuts in order to study changes in the fat yield, fatty acids composition, conjugated dienes and trienes, tocopherols and oxidative stability of the extracted glyceride oils. The results revealed no significant changes in fat yield and fatty acids composition but an increase of dienes and trienes, and a decrease in tocopherols amount. Decrease of Induction periods of oils autoxidated at 80 ⁰C, 100 ⁰C, and 120 ⁰C was observed as well. In order to reduce the negative effects of radiation-related lipid oxidation walnut oils were supplemented with binary antioxidant mixtures. Thus, the composition of ascorbyl palmitate and α-tocopherol in 2:1 ratio slightly prolonged the induction periods while halving of the initial oxidation rate of oils extracted from irradiated walnuts at the same time.

Author Biographies

Adriana Slavova-Kazakova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Mailing Address:
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Akad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 9, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

Е-mail: Adriana.Kazakova@orgchm.bas.bg

Sabina Taneva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre of Competence BIORESOURCES BG, Bulgaria

Mailing Addresses:
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Akad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 9, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Centre of Competence “Sustainable Utilization of Bio-resources
and Waste of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Innovative Bioactive Products”
(BIORESOURCES BG), 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Е-mail: Sabina.Taneva@orgchm.bas.bg

Mariana Kamenova-Nacheva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre of Competence BIORESOURCES BG, Bulgaria

Mailing Addresses:
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Akad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 9, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Centre of Competence “Sustainable Utilization of Bio-resources
and Waste of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Innovative Bioactive Products”
(BIORESOURCES BG), 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Е-mail: Mariana.Nacheva@orgchm.bas.bg

Svetlana Momchilova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Centre of Competence BIORESOURCES BG, Bulgaria

Mailing Addresses:
Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Akad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 9, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Centre of Competence “Sustainable Utilization of Bio-resources
and Waste of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants for Innovative Bioactive Products”
(BIORESOURCES BG), 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Е-mail: Svetlana.Momchilova@orgchm.bas.bg




How to Cite

A. Slavova-Kazakova, S. Taneva, M. Kamenova-Nacheva, and S. Momchilova, “Effects of Gamma-irradiation on Fatty Acids and Oxidative Stability of Oil from Treated Walnuts. Impact of Antioxidant Compositions on Oil Autoxidation”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 27–35, Jan. 2025.


