Formation and Characterization of ER4043 Welding Wire Layers by CA-WAAM on Copper Substrates


  • Georgi Kotlarski Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Maria Ormanova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Stefan Valkov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria



copper, aluminium, ER4043, WAAM, gas metal arc welding, cold arc, layer formation


In this work, the possibility of forming aluminium ER4043 layers using a wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) setup in the cold arc (CA) mode on copper substrates was investigated. This is a challenging process due to the poor miscibility of copper and aluminium, and due to the possible formation of intermetallic compounds (IMCs), which would result in accelerated formation of defects, particularly cracks, in the zone of contact between the two materials. The effect of two different technological parameters was investigated, namely the wire feeding rate (WFR), the application of pulses to the process (+SP), and the formation of layers without pulses (–SP). Wire feeding rates of 67 mm/s and 133 mm/s were employed. The results indicated that in the case of applying a layer using a WFR of 133 mm/s without pulses a homogeneous, dense structure was formed with a preferred crystallographic orientation towards the {311} family of planes. In this case, the obtained microhardness was also the highest with an average value of 100 HV0.1. During the investigations, no IMCs were detected. The results indicate that the formed layer can be successfully implemented in the field of wire arc additive manufacturing as a foundation for the manufacturing of bimetallic components made of, in this case, copper and aluminium alloy ER4043.

Author Biographies

Georgi Kotlarski, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Mailing Address:
Institute of Electronics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria,


Maria Ormanova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Mailing Address:
Institute of Electronics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria,


Stefan Valkov, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Technical University of Gabrovo, Bulgaria

Mailing Addresses:
Institute of Electronics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Natural Sciences,
Technical University of Gabrovo,
4 Hadzhi Dimitar St, 5300 Gabrovo, Bulgaria





How to Cite

G. Kotlarski, M. Ormanova, and S. Valkov, “Formation and Characterization of ER4043 Welding Wire Layers by CA-WAAM on Copper Substrates”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 78, no. 1, pp. 19–26, Jan. 2025.


