Effects of Herbicidal Treatments in “Finola” Hemp Variety (Cannabis sativa L.)


  • Kübra Kale Erciyes University, Turkey
  • Doğan Işik Erciyes University, Turkey
  • Hasan Kale Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey
  • Güngör Yilmaz Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey




herbicide, industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa L., fibre yield, Finola


Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) is a multi-purpose crop grown for its fibres, seeds and oil obtained from its seed. Finola hemp variety is a dioecious plant according to its flowering state, and its seeds have high protein and oil content and low THC content, making them preferred for use. This study was conducted to determine the effects of some herbicides on the Finola hemp variety. The trial was carried out in the trial area of Yozgat Bozok University in the form of pot and field studies. In the trial, the phytotoxic effects of herbicides on Finola variety hemp, plant height, technical stem length, stem diameter, biomass yield, dry stem yield, and fibre yield were examined. As a result of the experiment, the highest phytotoxicity was obtained from the application of bentazone (%75.52). The highest plant height (88.91 cm), technical stem length (660.25 cm), stem diameter (6.69 mm), biomass yield (1479.1 kg ha–1)$, dry stem yield (378.6 kg ha–1), and fibre yield (427.1 kg ha–1) were obtained in the weed-free control plots. The lowest plant height was obtained from the weedy control (34.12 cm), the lowest technical stem length was from the bromoxynil application (20.85 cm), the lowest stem diameter was from the bromoxynil application (3.87 mm), the lowest biomass yield was from the bromoxynil application (352.0 kg ha–1), the lowest dry stem yield (136.0 kg ha–1), and the lowest fibre yield were obtained from bentazone application (129.0 kg ha–1).

Author Biographies

Kübra Kale, Erciyes University, Turkey

Mailing Address:
Department of Plant Protection,
Agricultural Faculty,
Erciyes University,
38280 Kayseri, Turkey

E-mail: kubrakale766@gmail.com

Doğan Işik, Erciyes University, Turkey

Mailing Address:
Department of Plant Protection,
Agricultural Faculty,
Erciyes University,
38280 Kayseri, Turkey

E-mail: dogani@erciyes.edu.tr

Hasan Kale, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey

Mailing Address:
Department of Field Crops,
Bogazliyan Vocational School,
Yozgat Bozok University,
66100 Yozgat, Turkey

E-mail: hasan.kale@bozok.edu.tr

Güngör Yilmaz, Yozgat Bozok University, Turkey

Mailing Address:
Department of Field Crops,
Agricultural Faculty,
Yozgat Bozok University,
66100 Yozgat, Turkey

E-mail: gungor.yilmaz@bozok.edu.tr




How to Cite

K. Kale, D. Işik, H. Kale, and G. Yilmaz, “Effects of Herbicidal Treatments in ‘Finola’ Hemp Variety (Cannabis sativa L.)”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 77, no. 11, pp. 1732–1740, Nov. 2024.



Agricultural Sciences