Ultrasonic Cavitation Erosion of Electrochemical Selective Plated Copper and Nickel Coatings


  • Radostina Yankova Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  • Deyan Veselinov Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences




copper coatings, nickel coatings, selective plating, cavitation erosion, ASTM, G32


This study investigates the extent of cavitation erosion and the changes in surface topography of two types of bronzes commonly used in cavitation environments, as well as two types of electrochemical selective plated copper and nickel coatings. The degree of cavitation erosion is determined through the ASTM G32-16 standard test method for cavitation erosion using a vibratory apparatus. The losses in mass, volume, and the average depth of erosion were measured after five cycles of 50 min in distilled water. Changes in macrostructure and surface roughness during the cavitation erosion test were also investigated. Results showed that the selective electroplated copper and nickel coatings exhibit superior resistance to cavitation erosion compared to conventional phosphor bronze and nickel aluminium bronze materials. The improved performance is attributed to the formation of a damping layer during the deposition process, which absorbs and disperses some of the impact energy from the cavitation effect.

Author Biographies

Radostina Yankova, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Mailing Address:
Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies
with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski”,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
67 Shipchenski Prohod Blvd,
1574, Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail: radyankova@ims.bas.bg

Deyan Veselinov, Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Mailing Address:
Institute of Metal Science, Equipment and Technologies
with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski”,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
67 Shipchenski Prohod Blvd,
1574, Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail: dveselinov@ims.bas.bg




How to Cite

R. Yankova and D. Veselinov, “Ultrasonic Cavitation Erosion of Electrochemical Selective Plated Copper and Nickel Coatings”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 77, no. 11, pp. 1652–1659, Nov. 2024.



Engineering Sciences