×Gymnigritella suaveolens (Orchidaceae), a New Natural Hybrid to the Flora of Serbia


  • Vladan Djordjević University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Serbia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3389-5176
  • Svetlana Krdžić Veterinary Specialist Institute Kraljevo, Serbi
  • Spyros Tsiftsis Democritus University of Thrace, Greece




Gymnadenia, Nigritella, Orchidaceae, hybrid, Serbia, Balkan Peninsula


×Gymnigritella suaveolens (Orchidaceae), a natural hybrid between Gymnadenia conopsea and Nigritella rhellicani, was found at Mt Kopaonik for the first time in Serbia, representing its single known locality in the Central Balkans. Morphological characteristics, distribution data, habitat and ecological preferences are indicated. The hybrid was found at 1552 m a.s.l., on sericite schists, as a member of the Festuco-Deschampsietum flexuosae grassland community. Two hybrid specimens were recorded at the site where the two parental species grow in sympatry, and where the population size of G. conopsea was larger than the population size of N. rhellicani.

Author Biographies

Vladan Djordjević, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology, Serbia

Mailing Address:
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Biology,
Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden,
Takovska 43, 11 000 Belgrade, Serbia

E-mail: vdjordjevic@bio.bg.ac.rs

Svetlana Krdžić, Veterinary Specialist Institute Kraljevo, Serbi

Mailing Address:
Veterinary Specialist Institute Kraljevo,
Žički put 34, 36 000 Kraljevo, Serbia

E-mail: svetlanakrdzic@gmail.com

Spyros Tsiftsis, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece

Mailing Address:
Department of Forest and Natural Environment Sciences,
Democritus University of Thrace,
1st km Drama - Microchori,
P.O. Box 172, 66132 Drama, Greece

E-mail: stsiftsis@neclir.duth.gr




How to Cite

V. Djordjević, S. Krdžić, and S. Tsiftsis, “×Gymnigritella suaveolens (Orchidaceae), a New Natural Hybrid to the Flora of Serbia”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 77, no. 10, pp. 1440–1448, Oct. 2024.


