Molecular Characterization of Some Lettuce Samples (Lactuca sativa) Grown in Turkey Using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)


  • Yazgım Funda Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Eskisehir Technical University
  • Filiz Susuz Alanyalı Department of Biology,  Faculty of Science, Eskisehir Technical University



Lactuca sativa, SSR, genetic relationship, molecular markers, lettuce


This study aims to determine the differences between genotypes of some Lactuca sativa (lettuce) samples commonly grown in Turkey. In the study, Lactuca sativa genotypes were obtained from the samples of three different companies and their molecular analyses were carried out. Fourteen SSR primers were used for the analysis of genetic differences between Lactuca sativa genotypes. As a result of the analysis with SSR markers, the differences according to the UPGMA method were considered statistically significant at 95% sensitivity and shown in the distance matrix. As a result of this study, 23 genotypes were divided into two main groups and the genetic difference between these groups was determined as 12%. Among the Lactuca sativa genotypes, Yedikule and Eskule genotypes were genetically determined to be more distant than expected. The SSR findings gathered as a result of this study will contribute to the selection of appropriate SSR markers for future scientific studies and thus minimize the loss of time and effort for the studies.

Author Biographies

Yazgım Funda, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Eskisehir Technical University

Mailing Address:
Department of Biology, 
Faculty of Science,
Eskisehir Technical University
26470 Eskişehir, Turkey


Filiz Susuz Alanyalı, Department of Biology,  Faculty of Science, Eskisehir Technical University

Mailing Address:
Department of Biology, 
Faculty of Science,
Eskisehir Technical University
26470 Eskişehir, Turkey





How to Cite

Y. Funda and F. Alanyalı, “Molecular Characterization of Some Lettuce Samples (Lactuca sativa) Grown in Turkey Using Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR)”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 458–466, Mar. 2022.



Agricultural Sciences