Bioinsecticidal Effect of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (Link) Essential Oil Vapours on Myzus persicae Sulzer in Tobacco and Apis mellifera L.


  • Zheko Radev Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, Agricultural University, Bulgaria
  • Anatoli Dzhurmanski Institute for roses and aromatic plants, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria
  • Stanko Stanev Institute for roses and aromatic plants, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria



aromatic plants, essential oil, toxicity, aphids, honey bees


The peach leaf aphid Myzus persicae Sulzer is a polyphagous species which causes economic damages to many agricultural crops in Bulgaria and worldwide. The aim of the study was to test the bioinsecticidal effect of the essential oil (EO) vapours of Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum (Link) on M. persicae in tobacco and Apis mellifera L., as nontarget organism. The determination of the main EO contents was carried out on gas chromatograph. The chemical composition of the O. vulgare subsp. hirtum EO includes the terpenoid carvacrol – 67.4%, ρ-cymene – 13.7%, cineole + γ-terpinene – 8.3%, and α-pinene + β-pinene – 4.5%. The study was conducted in laboratory conditions. The study established efficacy of the oregano EO vapours against the peach leaf aphid. The findings indicated 100% efficacy of the O. vulgare subsp. hirtum EO vapours against M. persicae at a dose of 2 μl/l–1 air and 3 μl/l–1 air; 63.6% efficacy at 1 μ l/l–1 air and 31.2% at 0.5 μl/l–1 air. No phytotoxicity of the tobacco plants was found at any of the tested doses. The minimum dose with the highest efficacy tested on honey bees was also toxic to them.

Author Biographies

Zheko Radev, Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute, Agricultural University, Bulgaria

Mailing Address:
Tobacco and Tobacco Products Institute
4108 Markovo
Agricultural Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria


Anatoli Dzhurmanski, Institute for roses and aromatic plants, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria

Mailing Address:
Institute for roses and aromatic plants
49 Osvobozhdenie Blvd
6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria
Agricultural Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria


Stanko Stanev, Institute for roses and aromatic plants, Agricultural Academy, Bulgaria

Mailing Address:
Institute for roses and aromatic plants
49 Osvobozhdenie Blvd
6100 Kazanlak, Bulgaria
Agricultural Academy, Sofia, Bulgaria





How to Cite

Z. Radev, A. Dzhurmanski, and S. Stanev, “ hirtum (Link) Essential Oil Vapours on Myzus persicae Sulzer in Tobacco and Apis mellifera L”., C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. , vol. 76, no. 7, pp. 1137–1142, Jul. 2023.



Agricultural Sciences