Ultrastructural Studies on Lamb Liver with Experimental Bunostomosis


  • Yotko Kamenov Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, Bulgaria
  • Kostadin Kanchev Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, Bulgaria
  • Yana Mizinska-Boevska Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences




bunostomosis, liver, hepatocytes, toxic factors


Ultrastructural studies were carried out on liver obtained after the appear- ance of clinical signs of bunostomosis from a group of experimentally infested lambs.

In the hepatocytes of the liver severe changes affecting the endoplasmic reticulum, especially the rough one, and the nucleic chromatin were determined.

The formation of lipid drops into the injured hepatocytes followed the way of a fat degeneration rather than of a lipid infiltration. Both the liver parenchyma and mesenchyma compounds were affected.

This is an evidence of a direct toxic pathogenic action of the etiology agent. These data add to the knowledge of the bunostomosis pathogenesis more information about the leading role of the toxic factor.

Author Biographies

Yotko Kamenov, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, Bulgaria

Mailing Address:
Department of Infectious pathology, HTCFAO,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Forestry
10 Kliment Ohridsky Blvd
1797 Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail: ikamen@abv.bg

Kostadin Kanchev, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Forestry, Bulgaria

Mailing Address:
Department of Infectious pathology, HTCFAO,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
University of Forestry
10 Kliment Ohridsky Blvd
1797 Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail: dr_kanchev@abv.bg

Yana Mizinska-Boevska, Institute of Experimental Pathology and Parasitology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Mailing Address:
Institute of Experimental
Pathology and Parasitology,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Akad. G. Bonchev St, Bl. 25
1113 Sofia, Bulgaria

E-mail: yanamiz@gmail.com




How to Cite

Y. Kamenov, K. Kanchev, and Y. Mizinska-Boevska, “Ultrastructural Studies on Lamb Liver with Experimental Bunostomosis”, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., vol. 75, no. 10, pp. 1508–1513, Oct. 2022.


